About the Prints


Large Format Prints

Oil Paintings

Computer Art

Prismacolor Art

Small Format

About Copyright

griffin kitten taking a header.Loading zoom, please wait

Crash Landing

(Run your cursor over the image to see the detail. It may take a moment to load.)

Another smaller print, for smaller budgets, and smaller spaces!

This one was done in 1985, when I had two small kittens. It isn't one of them; but it easily could have been, given the number of times that they landed in just this position.

The original was done in Prismacolor Pencil on Canson MiTentes paper, and was just the size of this print.

This print is no longer available on line. If you'd like a copy, please drop me a note, and ask me to put it on my Zazzle Store. Thanks!

If you want to contact me, please go to my Contact page for a mailing address, or you can reach me on Twitter, where I'm @RobinWood.