Welcome to my site! Here you will find things to look at, and things to read. Things to do, and things to keep. Things to learn, and things to share. Things to make you think, and things to delight you

Explore, dream, learn and above all Have Fun!

I no longer sell things directly from this site, for a whole host of reasons.

You can still get my images as prints (or lots of other things) but only from my Zazzle store. If there's an image you'd like to buy on something I don't have it on, let me know! I'll be delighted to make it for you. Please feel free to join my Fan Club and/or put an Zazzle Associate widget on your own page, if you are so inclined.

The books and Tarot cards are now available from Amazon.com. I'm an Associate, so if you choose to buy them there, please use the link on my page, as I get a bit extra if you do. Robin Wood Tarot: the Book and When, Why ... If are both available as paperbacks or in Kindle format.

If you are interested in the things I'm making for Second Life® you can see all of that at my store on the Second Life Marketplace.

For news as it happens, check out my twitter account or Flickr Page (although that's mostly Second Life stuff.) I don't really use Facebook. I have a page, but I never update it, so that's not a good place to contact me.

I have a blog now, and an Amazon Author Page!

If you'd enjoy my work, and you'd like to support me (and read my short stories early) please visit my Patreon page.

Enjoy the site!

Newest Story - Marissa's Story - 9/10/16

Newest Print - Casting (at Zazzle) 9/16/16

Newest Second Life - Picnic Quilt - Fall Leaves - 9/10/16