Artist Links

Since I no longer take commissions, I have had a lot of people asking me if I could recommend other artists who might be able to do work for them.

Some of these artists are probably available for commission work, some are not. Some are friends of mine, some I know only by their work and reputation. They are listed in alphabetical order by last name, or, in the case of studios that show the work of several artists, by studio name.

If you are looking for an artist, this page should at least give you a jumping-off place!

(If you think that you should be listed here, and you are not, please drop me a line.)

Heather Bruton - Illustrator

Clyde Caldwell

Clarecraft - Discworld Stuff

Coloredpencilguy's Home Links Page

The Cunning Artificer's Discworld Emporium

Daydream Graphics Gallery

Bob Eggleton

Larry Elmore

Kaja & Phil Foglio

Lanthris: The World of Frank Gembeck

Glass Nebula - Reverse Glass Art

Stephen Hickman

Quninton Hoover

Jane Irwin - Fiery Studios

Tom Kidd

April Lee

Livingtree Grove - Free Pagan Web Graphics

Don Maitz Offical Webpage

David Mattingly

Lee Moyer

Keith Parkinson

Johanna Pieterman

Rob Prior

Ravon - Witch Way

Edward Rowles - Above the Blue Horizon

Sandra SanTara - Windwolf Studios

Diana Harlan Stein

Alec Syme

Néné's Thomas - Fantasy Art Gallery

Ruth Thompson Tarnished Images

Michael Whelan

LA Williams

Robin Wood (in case this page has wandered loose from the rest of my site!)

Wow Graphics Ring - Webart

Janny Wurtz Official Webpage